What's Causing Your Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic, excessive worry. People with GAD feel exaggerated anxiety about ordinary life events, to the point that the anxiety disrupts their life and sometimes even their ability to function. It is a fairly common disorder and often responds well to treatment.

Exact Cause Unknown

The exact cause of generalized anxiety disorder is unknown. It is likely caused by a combination of factors and varies from person to person. Research studies have suggested that genetics plays a role in developing GAD, and the disorder may run in families. A family history of GAD or other anxiety disorders may make a person more likely to develop GAD themselves. It is also known that GAD is associated with abnormalities in brain chemistry, particularly unbalanced levels of certain neurotransmitters.

Could Be A Response To Trauma

GAD may also develop as a response to certain environmental factors. Traumatic or stressful events may lead to a generalized anxiety disorder or make symptoms worse. Substance abuse and withdrawal can also make the disorder worse. In most cases, environmental factors seem to be associated more with the severity of GAD symptoms than with the development of the disorder.

Photo: PxHere

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