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Living With Anxiety

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Getting around town during peak traffic hours can bring stress to even the most relaxed of us,

Sometimes it seems that life would be easier without emotions. It’s true, we would not have to

Everyone has concerns in life. Sometimes these concerns become overwhelming and we can become

A new series of studies and experiments by the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of

People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may experience heightened levels of anger, and

Findings by researchers from Michigan State University adds to the growing evidence that links a

Children with difficulty breathing in their sleep—evidenced by snoring, mouth-breathing, or

A team of scientists from UCLA has concluded a study in rats that suggests that trauma to the

Stressed? Perhaps you don't have enough salt in your diet. In a new study, researchers at the

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Although it seems improbable, Robert S. Wilson, Ph.D., of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, and his colleagues say that they found a...

If you struggle with exam anxiety, you’re not alone. Test-taking can be one of the anxiety causes while in school, but it can be overcome.


Prayer for anxiety may help some with dealing with the disorder. Listed below are the anxiety prayers that personally help me. Whatever your faith...

A team of scientists from UCLA has concluded a study in rats that suggests that trauma to the brain can lead to an increased susceptibility to...

We know it is necessary to breathe but do not always appreciate how important it is to breathe well.

In all types of meditation, energy...

The antidepressant Effexor, a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), was first introduced in 1993 and is approved for the treatment...

People with an excess of MeCP2 protein experience anxiety and a range of other behavioral issues, but Baylor College of Medicine scientists have...

Lexapro is an SSRI antidepressant that is FDA approved for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is one of the antidepressants...

While many anxiety disorders are very responsive to treatment, compulsive hoarding is a unique disorder which defies classification and tends to...

When people talk about treatments for anxiety, they usually focus on medication and therapy as the two main options for a successful outcome....

Neurontin, generically known as gabapentin, is an anticonvulsant drug approved by the FDA to treat certain types of seizures in epileptics...

There has been a reluctance to group video game addiction into the same category of other types of addiction, like drug or alcohol abuse, but the...

How should this anxiety medication be used?

Xanax or Alprazolam, comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It usually is taken two or...

There’s no sure way of preventing generalized anxiety disorder, but there are certain steps you can take to keep your anxiety disorder from...

If you experience anxiety in various unfamiliar situations, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 40 million Americans suffer from situational...

Effexor is an antidepressant that has been on the market since 1993. It is a member of the SNRI class of antidepressants (serotonin-norepinephrine...

Serax® is the brand name for the drug oxazepam, a benzodiazepine that has been in use since the 1960s.

Serax is used primarily for the...

We all know some people are better listeners than others. Excellent listeners give their full attention to whoever is talking. Those who are not...

According to research published in the journal Science, the drug ketamine can repair brain cell connections that have been disrupted by depression...

Here comes that dreaded feeling of overwhelm.

It is not just that you have a lot to do. In fact, you may not have that much to do, but your...

An Australian study says the answer is yes - a bad job may actually be more stressful than being unemployed. A look at data collected from 7,155...

Everyone who has anxiety should have a few breathing techniques in their coping first aid kit.

The regular practice of controlled breathing...

There are some situations where showing your anxiety may not be welcome. School, work, and meeting new acquaintances may all be uncomfortable...

If you suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder, you probably feel fearful a lot of the time. Don’t let fear and anxiety rule your life!...

By now, everyone knows that exercise improves health on many levels--including mental health as well as physical health. There have been a number...

Specific phobias are the most common type of anxiety disorder that is defined as an irrational fear of or aversion to a situation or specific...