Tips For Overcoming Job Interview Anxiety

Fresh out of college and searching for her first real job, Lauren had interviews lined up and was ready to prove herself in the big leagues. Yet, when intense anxiety struck just before her first meeting, Lauren experienced a panic attack that resulted in her skipping out on the job interview.

Lauren’s not alone; almost everyone has experienced some nervousness before entering a potential employer’s office. But when you’re anxious and worried about the outcome, you don’t appear your confident and intelligent self. If you let it get out of hand, physical symptoms of anxiety can prevent you from doing your best, or in Lauren’s case, from attending the interview at all.

Being prepared for a big job interview is the best way to control your anxiety and pull the meeting off successfully.

Know the Company

Educate yourself as much as you can about the company you landed an interview with. This means everything from where it’s located, to study the company’s website, to make sure you are properly pronouncing the interviewer's name. You only have one chance to make a first impression; being able to correctly state the company’s purpose will seem infinitely better than coming in clueless.

Know the Questions

Most likely your biggest cause of anxiety is what questions your interviewer may ask. Of course, there is no way to be entirely certain, but there are some fairly standard queries your potential employer will have. If possible, talk with industry insiders who have been through the process before. Be prepared to talk about why you’re interested in the position, your individual personality quirks, and why you are a better candidate than the rest. Let you shine through; try to guide the interview to have more of a conversational feel and you’ll come off as relaxed and engaging.

Know the Details

The outcome of your interview is just as equally determined in the details as it is the questions. Always bring a copy of your resume with you, even if you believe your interviewer has it. You may also want to bring a list of references, your business card, and a notebook and pen to be prepared for whatever they may ask of you. Finally, look the part. You can never go wrong in a basic black business suit. Appear clean and groomed, and you’ve won half the battle.

When preparing for a job interview, channel your nervous anxiety into excited energy; getting in the door is already an accomplishment. Take a few deep breaths, and go in there ready to blow them away.

Photo: Christina Morillo from Pexels

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