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Living With Anxiety

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Getting around town during peak traffic hours can bring stress to even the most relaxed of us,

Sometimes it seems that life would be easier without emotions. It’s true, we would not have to

Everyone has concerns in life. Sometimes these concerns become overwhelming and we can become

A new series of studies and experiments by the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of

People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may experience heightened levels of anger, and

Findings by researchers from Michigan State University adds to the growing evidence that links a

Children with difficulty breathing in their sleep—evidenced by snoring, mouth-breathing, or

A team of scientists from UCLA has concluded a study in rats that suggests that trauma to the

Stressed? Perhaps you don't have enough salt in your diet. In a new study, researchers at the

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Feelings of anxiety and stress cause a number of physical and chemical changes in the body, including the release of adrenaline and other hormones...

The precise causes of hoarding are unknown, but it appears that both genetics and environmental factors play a role. Because hoarding behaviors...

Shortness of breath, rapid and shallow breathing is one of the worst symptoms, I believe, because shortness of breath triggers a response of not...

Ludiomil is the brand name of a tetracyclic antidepressant medication sometimes prescribed as a treatment for anxiety. Tetracyclic antidepressants...

Stressful life events are difficult for everyone, but they can be especially hard on those who already have an anxiety disorder. A recent study...

While many people turn to medication to treat their anxiety, it is not the best or most appropriate choice for everyone. Medication can be very...

We all know that bullying and other stressful social situations can have lasting effects on a person, but a new study from New York’s Rockefeller...

If you experience anxiety in various unfamiliar situations, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 40 million Americans suffer from situational...

The phrase “natural remedy” means different things to different people, but people searching for natural remedies for anxiety attacks are usually...

The terms panic attack and anxiety attack are used interchangeably by most people, but are panic and anxiety really the same thing?


Over the course of my 14 plus years of having an Anxiety disorder, I have read so much information and learned so many techniques for controlling...

Around 40 million American adults suffer from some kind of anxiety disorder. While there are effective therapies and medications that make it...

A team of neuroscientists from the New School for Social Research in New York has announced that not only are the areas of the brain responsible...

One of the most commonly used and most effective treatments for mental health issues, particularly anxiety disorders and depression, is cognitive...

Royce White has never been one to let obstacles get in the way of his dreams. An inspiring young man and stellar athlete, White was drafted by the...

Cortisol supplements are most often prescribed as a way to treat low adrenal gland function. Cortisol is sometimes referred to as the "stress...

Postpartum depression can strike any new mother, no matter what her situation may be. Having a baby is one of the happiest moments in one's life....

For many people, feelings of stress lead to periods of eating high-calorie and high-fat comfort foods. Now scientists are a step closer to knowing...

Social anxiety disorder, sometimes called social phobia, is a very common type of anxiety disorder that affects approximately 15 million adults in...

Practicing small daily rituals that bring comfort, inspiration, beauty, tranquility, or encouragement into our life anchors us, and can help...

Everyone is so busy these days with the demands of work, parenting, and life's everyday tasks. But you can get through the day with less stress,...

The good news for anyone suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is that there are a number of effective treatment options available....

How much does the mental health of an expectant father influence the emotional and behavioral development of his unborn child? Norwegian...

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain plays a role in mood and anxiety disorders. The most common antidepressants, selective serotonin...

The term antipsychotic refers to a large group of medications that are most often used to treat the psychotic symptoms found in people with...

There are two main strategies used to overcome social anxiety disorder (sometimes called “social phobia”). The first is medication and the second...