Social Anxiety Disorder: Causes and Symptoms

Social Anxiety Disorder, sometimes called Social Phobia or SAD, involves anxiety and an overwhelming constant self-consciousness in everyday social interactions. People with Social Anxiety Disorder have an intense fear that they are being watched or judged by others, or they may have a fear of being embarrassed or humiliated by their own actions.

For example, planning to attend a party two weeks ahead of time may cause someone with a social anxiety disorder to worry endlessly for two weeks.

Social Anxiety Disorder can make it hard to meet and keep friends, or to do anything in front of others like eating, or drinking.

Physical symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder include:
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Difficulty Talking
- Blushing

These symptoms may make you feel embarrassed, and make you feel all eyes are on you. You may only feel bad with people outside your family.

Drug or alcohol abuse often occurs in conjunction with Social Anxiety Disorder. This disorder is treatable with medicine and therapy.

Photo: Pxhere

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