Tips To Prevent Your Anxiety From Spiraling Out Of Control

There’s no sure way of preventing generalized anxiety disorder, but there are certain steps you can take to keep your anxiety disorder from getting worse.

People develop anxiety for several different reasons; a significant life change or event, an isolated fear, or even a drug or alcohol addiction can trigger anxiety. When you feel your first anxiety symptoms creeping in, there are several important tactics to prevent it from growing.

Get Help Early

As mentioned above, you should take action to reduce your anxiety at the first sign of symptoms. These can be physical symptoms of anxiety, such as shallow breathing, uncontrollable shaking, or a fast heartbeat. Visiting a therapist or talking to a friend about your problems will help control your anxiety and prevent an anxiety attack.

Keep a Journal

Writing about your feelings and stress-triggers on a daily basis will help relieve your anxiety and allow you to recognize what is causing your anxiety. Write down what you’re feeling during various activities, which makes you feel relaxed, and what makes you feel anxious.

Avoid Substance Use

Using drugs or alcohol during a stressful time often worsens anxiety, so it is best to refrain from turning to mind-altering substances to ease your mind. If you’re addicted, seek professional help to quit.

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