Anxiety Dizziness: Clearing The Confusion

Anxiety dizziness is an uncomfortable inner feeling of confusion. The word is used to describe so many different sensations, your health care professional needs to understand exactly what a person means when he or she complains of anxiety dizziness.

Your first task then is to give your doctor a complete personal description of your symptoms. Many people with anxiety dizziness have an anxiety disorder. This may seem ridiculous, but a number of studies have shown this to be true. When a small headache accompanies anxiety dizziness this is nearly always anxiety.

Studies show reports of severe anxiety dizziness are often accompanied by other symptoms such as palpitations or sweating. This sensation is most often described as "dizziness", though it is truly a form of anxiety.

Here are some other words you could use to describe your anxiety dizziness:

  • Vertigo
  • Light-headedness
  • Imbalance
  • Disequilibrium

Photo: Pixabay

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