Be Prepared With An Emergency Calm-Kit

Everyone who lives with bothersome anxiety symptoms should have a pouch or pocket in their bag or backpack that is an emergency calm-kit.

Sometimes knowing you are prepared for an anxiety attack is enough to help you stay calm. If it isn’t enough to remain calm, at least you are prepared to help yourself manage the anxiety.

Everyone’s kit will be stocked a bit differently since it makes sense to carry items that are known to work for you. However, one tip to consider is having something in your kit that addresses each of your five senses.

Ideas for An Emergency Calm-Kit

Something for Your Nose
- Bottle of essential oil(s): lavender is calming, orange is soothing and uplifting, peppermint clears the mind and lifts the mood.
- A small packet of potpourri that you find pleasant or relaxing, such as a floral scent or apples and cinnamon.
- A facial moisturizing mist with a calming or soothing scent.

Something for Your Hands
- A small squishy ball, especially one with rubber spikes that massage the acupressure points in your hand as you roll it around and squeeze.
- Fidget stones or any small and smooth object that is soothing to hold, rub or rattle around in your hand (e.g. marbles, shells).
- A piece of cloth that is soft, silky or furry against the skin.

Something for Your Ears
- Purchase a small digital music player and load it with music that helps you relax. It can be one song or a hundred, vocal, instrumental, or nature sounds. Keep some ear buds wrapped around the player so that it’s ready to use.
- If your kit or pocket is big enough, you can carry a little squeeze toy that either plays a song, or says something that makes you laugh. For instance, you can buy “happy pills” that give you the sound of a child laughing; even on difficult days it is tough to listen and not smile.

Something for Your Taste Buds
- A couple squares of chocolate (dark is best, it's not so sugary).
- Something minty or spicy to pop in your mouth, such as peppermint candy or cinnamon gum.
- A small bag of peanuts or a chewy granola bar.
- Extra medication if you take any.

Something for Your Eyes
- A picture or photo of something beautiful, something that always fills you with wonder.
- A copy of a poem or quote that is especially meaningful to you.
- A picture of yourself at a time you felt strong, accomplished or simply happy.

If you know someone who has anxiety, making that person an emergency calm-kit is a great gift idea. It is also helpful to keep a kit in the car and have one for the school locker or office drawer.

One more thing; keep a note in each kit reminding you to “just breathe.”

Photo: PxHere

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