think chronic anxiety has made me ocd

Posted on: Mon, 08/12/2019 - 3:57pm
bali bae's picture
Joined: 08/12/2019 - 12:02

once upon a time i was a chill and relaxed person and now i am wound up like a top. i've been like this for a while now and any little bit of stress can trigger my anxiety. and now because of this endless chronic daily anxiety i've picked up some ocd-like habits. here's an example; when i park my car, i check my parking break like 5 times every time and when i lock my car i have to do it several times. same goes for the stove, i'll check several times and sometimes won't be able to sleep unless i check it again. is this all ocd or nervous energy or both?

Posted on: Mon, 08/26/2019 - 11:31am
JustJules's picture
Joined: 08/09/2019 - 09:13

i never associated one with the other. to think that my anxiety could be causing some ocd-like habits is scary. i need to talk to my psychiatrist about this because i've developed some habits that i'm thinking could be ocd. never thought of that until i read your post. it's a reality check for me. i'd want to know how to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.

Posted on: Tue, 08/27/2019 - 4:15pm
MillieM's picture
Joined: 08/08/2019 - 15:25

My psychiatrist checks in on this every once in a while so it seems that this may be somewhat common. There are little things that I do but I haven't really noticed anything repetitive. Well, maybe there is. I do have to check the stovetop at night several times before going to bed and when I lock the front door when I leave the house I also have to check several times. Come to think of it maybe these are OCD behaviors. I am going to talk to my psychiatrist about this.

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