How does OCD and Anxiety go together?

Posted on: Thu, 08/08/2019 - 3:12pm
gryffin's picture
Joined: 08/08/2019 - 14:55

I recently went to see my psychiatrist and he started asking me a lot if I had any OCD tendencies/. I thought it was odd because we have always focused on anxiety or sometimes panic attacks. I started thinking and I do sometimes to do small things that might be OCD. I check if things are off multiple times and things like that but there was nothing serious enough that I thought I should mention it to him. Does anyone know why OCD can be linked to anxiety? I guess I should have asked my doctor but I as having anxiety just being at the appointment.

Posted on: Mon, 08/12/2019 - 4:10pm
spaceman's picture
Joined: 07/02/2019 - 15:02

I do not know much about this but I think one sign of recurring anxiety can be that you are starting to also show signs of some sort of OCD.

Posted on: Mon, 08/12/2019 - 4:17pm
bali bae's picture
Joined: 08/12/2019 - 12:02

hey gryffin, i am going through this too, i've been dealing with chronic anxiety for so many years now that i am afraid some of my repetitive actions are ocd. i'll park my car and check if my brake is on several times every time, not just here and there, it's every time. then when i go to lock my car i check if i locked it several times. same goes for the stove, i have to check if it's off several times, i can't just check it once. but i wonder if all of this is nervous energy? ocd? or is it that my mind is in a million places and i don't trust my actions??? it's all so confusing.

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